Sea Guard

Sea Guard

The merchant ships started to disappear in the vast expanses of the ocean
Latest version 3.2
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User rating
6 votes

Sea Guard 2.0 review

Editor rating
5 / 5
File size
1515 KB
Review date
15 February 2006

Become the proud hero in Sea Guard game and make the shipping routes a safe place.
Freak out into the adventurous world of the vast ocean that is haunted by terrorists who disappear merchant ships. Here you have to outsmart the terrorists by destroying them with your skill and warship that is loaded with ammunition. You are given full support from the airships that provide you with more ammunition from time to time and you too can smartly gather some weapons and scores by fetching additional objects. This absolute fun filled game for all ages is supported with friendly interface and attractive animated graphics. The game comes in the full screen and windows mode with light and soothing background music and sound effects. One can easily master the game with his keyboard or mouse and get hours of fun and recreation.
This absolutely free game best fits on windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP or better platforms.